Merry Christmas from Kancho Robert Sullivan

Dear Students, Parents and Caregivers,

As we draw towards the end of what has been an extremely challenging 2020, I’d like to take this opportunity to firstly thank all of our longer-term students who stayed connected with us during our many months of lockdown this year. Extended breaks from training can easily disrupt people’s motivation, yet so many of you have jumped straight back into it with full drive and enthusiasm. I am most grateful for your loyalty to our club and impressed by your karate spirit, determination and commitment.

To our newer students, I’d like to warmly welcome you to our large karate family. You are at the beginning of what will likely be a life-changing journey, and I hope that karate training can instil a greater sense of self-belief, discipline, and fitness in you as it has in me over the last 50+ years.

I’d also like to recognise the important role that parents, caregivers and families play in maintaining the child’s training consistency. I know how busy family life can be, and I’m sure it could seem easier some nights to just give karate a miss. Thank you for your dedication in keeping your child’s training as regular as possible, and for entrusting us to be part of their personal and physical development.

Lastly, I’d like to give special thanks to your branch and senior instructors for the amazing job they do each week. We couldn’t provide the extensive choice of locations and training days across the country without these people, and their support throughout this difficult year has been truly humbling.

Last Classes for 2020 / Re-Start in January 2021

Our last public classes for 2020 will be on Sunday 20th December, with classes starting back in 2021 from Monday 4th January. It’s likely there’ll be some special events in your region just before we break up, and some areas may still run a reduced class timetable between Christmas and New Year. Your Branch Instructor will have information where/if this applies in your area.

Please note also that your direct debit training fee rates are based on an annual fee divided by 52 equal weekly payments (or 26 or 12 depending on your payment frequency). As the Christmas break period forms part of this 52 week calculation, please note that your normal payments will continue over this 2 week period. As usual, we encourage students to attend as many extra classes as they can during the January school holiday period before school goes back.

On behalf of the entire senior instructor group, I’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas, and I hope you all have a safe and enjoyable holiday season. See you again in the New Year!

Best wishes,

Kancho Robert Sullivan
Founder & Chief Instructor

Why GKR Karate?

GKR creates the right environment for our members to train in. Although we promote self defence and fitness, our style also fosters positive values, confidence, discipline, focus and well being. GKR teaches you not only how to punch and kick, it teaches you to be a better person.

We encourage students of all ages, from all walks of life to join our club and be part of the supportive ‘family’ that is GKR Karate.

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