Advanced Tournament Terminology
Here you will find the pronunciation and meaning of various traditional advanced tournament karate terms you might hear in class.
Aiuchi (A-ooch): Simultaneous scoring techniques
Aka (Uk-a): The red side opponent in kumite
Chui (Chew-ee): Warning
Enchosen Hajime (En-Koe- sen Ha-Jim-ae): Time extended, begin (after a draw)
Fukushin (Foo-koosh-in): Assistant Referee
Gogi (Go-gee): Consultation with Senior Tournament Referee
Hansoku (Hun-sock-oo): Serious infraction leading to disqualification
Hansoku Chui (Hun-sock-oo Chew-ee): Warning with a full point penalty
Hantei (Hun-tay): Judges decision
Hikiwake (Hi-key-wuck- ee): Tied scores
Ippon (Ip-pon): One step or one full point
Jikan (Ji-karn): Referee’s call to timekeeper to stop the clock during kumite bout
Jogai (Joe-guy): Exiting the ring
Katsu (Cut-sue): To Win/Be Victorious
Keikoku (Kay-kock-oo): Warning with half point penalty
Kiken (Kick-en): Winning either by forfeit or where an opponent concedes
Mienai (Mayne-eye): Referee signaling they were unsighted during kumite bout
Moto No Ichi (Moto no ich): Referee calling competitors to enter the ring for kumite
Mubobi (Moo-bo-bee): Competitor showing undue care in kumite
No Kachi (No Kutch): Winner in a kumite bout
Shiai (She-eye): Tournament competition
Shiai Geiko (She-eye Gay- ko): Tournament practice
Shobu Ippon (Sho-boo Ip-pon): One point match
Shiro (Shi-row): Whiteside competitor in kumite
Waza Ari (Wu-za-ree): Half point in kumite