Home Karate Practice for Kids – Number Games

September 16, 2020 |

Number games require at least two people, so they can also double as a great family bonding experience! Whilst these…

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Online Seminar with Shihan Anthony Ryan

August 27, 2020 |

GKR Karate’s International Director of Coaching, Shihan Anthony Ryan is conducting a live, online seminar via Zoom on Sunday 6th…

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The Art of Breathing

August 4, 2020 |

If you're only ever breathing habitually, studies suggest that you’re only ever filling your lungs to about one-third of their…

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Kancho Robert Sullivan Online Seminar

August 3, 2020 |

Join GKR Karate’s Founder and Chief Instructor, Kancho Robert Sullivan, for a live, online seminar on Sunday 9 August 2020.

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Karate is back in the UK!

July 24, 2020 |

Great news – Karate classes are resuming in the UK! Hello to all GKR Karate Students and Parents,…

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UK National Online Seminar

July 2, 2020 |

Join Sensei Bob McCracken, Senior Instructor and UK National Director at GKR Karate's first ever National Online Seminar!…

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GKR Karate’s Okinawa Online Experience 2020

June 9, 2020 |

With the arrival of Zoom and live online classes, for the first time in history, students will be able to…

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Karate Classes in New Zealand Are Back!

May 26, 2020 |

Over the last few months, we’ve done our best to keep in touch with as many of our students as…

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The Five Animal Styles that Influenced Karate

May 8, 2020 |

Today we’ve introduced a brand-new category to the Online Dojo – The Five Animal Styles that Influenced Karate. This video…

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