Bradford – Black Belt Grading

June 17, 2019

Black Belt Grading With Sensei Karl Hughes This will be our first black belt grading of the year. All brown…

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Crowthorne – World Cup Preparation 2019

June 17, 2019

WITH SENSEI KAREN SIMPSON & SHARON RENDLE Have you entered the World Cup? Don’t miss this chance to get…

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Northamptonshire – 50 Person Kumite

June 17, 2019

With Sensei Daniel Freer Can you last 50 rounds? Do you want to improve your sparring and improve your fitness?…

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UK – Black Belt Camp 2019

June 17, 2019

Conducted by Shihan Gavin Samin and Sensei Bob McCracken • Two days (12 hours) of dedicated karate training!…

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UK – Kata Waza Seminar – South Croydon

June 4, 2019

Kata Waza Seminar With Sensei Yahya and Cobb Come along to this special Kata seminar run by two of our…

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UK – Pool Training Seminar – Reading

May 1, 2019

With Sensei Stuart Wiseman & Darren Taplin Don’t miss this chance to challenge yourself with some Karate based water activities…

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Bring A Friend Month!

February 27, 2019

Bring A Friend Month ALL OF MARCH All throughout March, you can invite a friend or family member to any…

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Maidstone – Self Defence Seminar

July 18, 2018

Maidstone Self Defence Seminar   Don’t miss this chance to expand your self defence skills.  Children and adults will learn…

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Hatfield – Black Belt Grading

July 18, 2018

Black Belt Grading   Don’t miss this opportunity to train with our Southern Zone Director Sensei Lek Prenga.  Gain…

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Putney – Kick Shield & Pad Drill Seminar

July 18, 2018

Kick Shield and Pad Drill Seminar   Test yourself in this challenging Seminar designed to develop your speed, strength and…

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