kancho robert sullivan goal setting

Goal Setting

I’d like to share some thoughts on the benefits of setting and working towards achieving goals and rewards.

To some people this may be something they have never really thought about, and it may be completely foreign to them, it may even sound like some American rah-rah motivational thing. However to others it might be the way you live anyway. One thing is for sure; many of us desire a happier more successful life.

Our goals may be for example:
  • To have better more fulfilling friendships.
  • To achieve success in karate eg grading, tournament results and more.
  • Whether you are employed or have your own business it might be career advancement and/or earning more money.

If by pressing a magic button our goals would come true, we’d all be doing it and living in a more satisfied state. I suspect that more people would set goals and rewards if the cost and sacrifice was zero.  The fact is, as much as the idea of reaching our goals appeals to us as we visualise it, we’re smart enough to know there is work, sacrifice, change and much more to be worked through and to be demanded of us to earn and reach our goals.  I’m not saying the journey in reaching the goal has to be unpleasant and miserable, although occasionally it might be the case. The ‘pot of gold at the end of the rainbow’ must justify the process to get there.

Several ways to keep you motivated and on track to achieve a goal is to:
  • Make a strong decision that the goal is worth the work and change.
  • You must truly believe that it is achievable.
  • You must constantly be reinforcing your determination to persist and not give up, because during the process of working towards the goal there will no doubt be ‘flat spots’ that will make you question your resolve.  Ask yourself “how badly do I want it?”
  • It must be your ‘hot button’ we’ve all got one, once identified and focused on, it can keep you on track.
  • A truly motivating goal will cause you to energise and do the extra things required to achieve it.
  • Its important to remember that if you focus on the sacrifice required or the thought of losing and you will lack the discipline. It is said in life, we live either with discipline, or we live with regret.
Because the excitement of visualising the goal materialising becomes so important that you:
  • You go the extra mile.
  • You start early and finish late.
  • You talk to more people.
  • You talk with greater persuasiveness and conviction.
  • You reflect greater self confidence when dealing with people.
  • You act like a person on a mission, because you are.
  • If there’s physical discomfort you tolerate it more. Karate goals are a good example.

When you achieve a goal through the so called ‘sweat of your brow’ there is a great deal of satisfaction, this builds ‘character muscle’. You develop the habit of being known to yourself and others as a doer and not a talker. Your word and your decisions become honourable. The latter is how I like to think I have lived my life since about 1972.

I have set goals in several areas of my life:
  • Personally: For my own karate training and journey.
  • Professionally: With my leadership of the club and essentially in running GKR Karate. I have set goals in terms of building GKR as an organisation.
  • Emotionally: Passing on and teaching others what I have learnt. Plus the personal satisfaction I get in seeing many thousands of GKR students and instructors enjoy a better life proves to me the power of goal setting.

I hope this information helps you towards achieving success with the goals that you set yourself and wish you all the best in your journey.

Yours in the spirit of GKR Karate-do

Robert Sullivan, Kancho

Why GKR Karate?

GKR creates the right environment for our members to train in. Although we promote self defence and fitness, our style also fosters positive values, confidence, discipline, focus and well being. GKR teaches you not only how to punch and kick, it teaches you to be a better person.

We encourage students of all ages, from all walks of life to join our club and be part of the supportive ‘family’ that is GKR Karate.

  • Self Defence
  • Weight Loss
  • Focus
  • Family
  • Respect
  • Friendships

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