Without goals, we can lack direction and motivation, getting stuck in cruising mode where we never seem to achieve what we desire. A great way to move forward and progress is by setting goals, making a plan to achieve those goals and taking action.
S.M.A.R.T. Goals:
SMART Goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time based.
Setting goals for your karate provides you with something to aim for and can be a source of motivation for training.
How to create a SMART goal:
- Specific: Make your goal clear and specific. Do you want to learn a new kata, compete in your first tournament, grade to your next belt level? Choose your goal and start visualising the outcome you desire.
- Measurable: Define the measurable assets of your goal – if your goal is entering a tournament, do you want to enter kata and kumite? Is your goal to score 2 points in kumite or make it through the first round of kata? If you want to learn a new kata, is your goal to learn it to the count or your own timing?
- Achievable: Speak with your instructor about realistic and achievable goals. You might want to be the next GKR World Champion by June 2025, which is a great goal to have but may not be achievable if the next GKR World Cup isn’t until 2026.
- Relevant: All of your goals should align with any long term goals that you have. If your goal is to grade to green belt by the end of the year, a goal to learn Saifa to the count aligns with your long term goal of grading.
- Time based: All goals need a realistic timeframe and end date. If you make the timeframe unrealistic eg. I want to go from sitting on my couch to running a marathon in 2 weeks, you’re not making your goal achievable. Similarly, if you have too long a timeframe, there’s no push or urgency to make the changes and take the steps to get to where you want to be.
Remember, having a goal to work towards is great but it is also important to learn and enjoy the journey along the way.