Preventing Weight Gain with Injuries

December 18, 2019 |

A broken foot, sore knees, torn hamstring or bad back are all things that might keep us from not only…

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Shimbun Issue #3 Out Now

December 10, 2019 |

Issue 3 of your new-look Shimbun magazine hits homes and dojos from December 16, and is packed full of features…

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Stances: The Fundamental Foundation

December 3, 2019 |

When people think of karate’s weapons, three things usually come to mind; punches, blocks, and kicks. One thing that rarely…

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NSW Runs Its Second Black Belt Open

September 9, 2019 |

On August 25th, Sydney, Australia hosted it’s 2019 NSW Black Belt Open. Inviting Black belts from nine Regions across NSW…

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