update for new zealand students


Hello to all GKR Karate Students and Parents,

Well – it’s certainly been a challenging few months for everyone and we hope this message finds you and your families in good health and high spirits under the circumstances. Our sympathies go out to anyone close to you who became ill over this time, or who suffered adversely from the economic shutdown.

Over the last few months, we’ve done our best to keep in touch with as many of our students as possible via our Online Dojo, and we hope you’ve had the chance to catch-up with your Sensei or some of your karate classmates by now. Nobody knew how long our classes would be closed, but we’ve now received confirmation that …


In most cases, your normal class timetable will resume at your regular hall from Monday 1st June onward. There is still a small number of venues whose re-opening may be delayed by a week or two and we will keep you updated as soon as this changes. Please visit the Facebook page of your local region below to view our current re-opening timetable. We’re thrilled to be getting back in the dojo and we’re looking forward to catching up with everyone in our GKR community very soon.


Training Fees

Direct Debit: Your fees were automatically suspended on the 23rd March, if not before. Your regular direct debit fee will therefore resume from Monday 1st June onwards. Your first actual payment date will depend on how many days after Monday 23rd March your next payment was due eg: if it was due 5 days after the 23rd March, then it will occur 5 days after our re-opening date (1st June). Please contact us at memberships@gkrkarate.com if you have any queries.

NOTE: If your normal training venue is not yet open and there are no alternative GKR Karate dojos nearby, then we will delay the re-activation of your direct debit account until your local classes re-open. If your regular dojo is not yet available but you are happy to travel a bit further in the short term to train, then contact us at memberships@gkrkarate.com and we will re-activate your direct debit training pass earlier.

Visit Passes/Term Passes: All visit passes will still be valid, and 3/6 month term passes will be automatically extended in keeping with the duration of our closure. In the next week, we will post an updated training pass to you with an adjusted expiry date. Please email us at memberships@gkrkarate.com if you have changed address since you last purchased a training pass.

Online Dojo Members

As soon as our dojos re-open, your weekly subscription fee to the Online Dojo will cease.  However, you will still enjoy full access to our large online library of fantastic training content as our thank you for your support during this time. Please note that our LIVE Online Zoom classes will wind down gradually as our dojos re-open.

Safety Protocols

The government’s permission for us to re-open has been granted providing we adhere to directives outlined by health authorities. The safety of both students and instructors are of paramount importance to us, and we’d like to re-assure you that a series of modified training protocols have been created that exceed government requirements. Please click here to view these changes.

In the coming months, we will continue to stay in-step with any updated health advisories and will hopefully be in a position to resume a full range of training activities very soon. We’re in no rush though – like everyone, our goal is to contribute to the broader Covid-19 recovery in every way possible and there’s still plenty of excellent training drills we can do in the meantime.

We look forward to seeing you all again in the dojo!

Why GKR Karate?

GKR creates the right environment for our members to train in. Although we promote self defence and fitness, our style also fosters positive values, confidence, discipline, focus and well being. GKR teaches you not only how to punch and kick, it teaches you to be a better person.

We encourage students of all ages, from all walks of life to join our club and be part of the supportive ‘family’ that is GKR Karate.

  • Self Defence
  • Weight Loss
  • Focus
  • Family
  • Respect
  • Friendships

Contact Us

Have a question or require further information? Contact us today.

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