In every corner of the GKR Karate world, there are countless students with an incredible personal story to tell about how karate training has positively impacted their lives.

These unassuming and often humble everyday superstars are an immeasurable source of motivation to those around them, and we thought it was time to recognise their amazing accomplishments.

We’re inviting these people to reach out to us and share how joining GKR Karate has been instrumental in crafting their personal tales of inspiration, transformation, or courage.

If you wish to share your story or that of a friend or family member, please utilise the form provided below.


    • What prompted you to join GKR?
    • In what ways has karate training contributed to your ‘before and after’ story?
    • What has been the biggest benefit you (or your family member) have experienced since starting karate?
    • Include any message for others who may currently be in your original position?


    After submitting – please click here to email any photos or images you would like to accompany this story

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